The Housing Services Act, 2011 (HSA) requires that we have a process in place to review certain administrative decisions. We call this procedure the WECHC Internal Review Request.
If you want a decision reviewed please read this information page. Important information on the types of reviews done and the deadlines are found here.
Who completes the Internal Review?
The WECHC Internal Review Committee carries out reviews of decisions. A committee reviews the information and documentation you have provided to WECHC and determines if the rules related to Rent-Geared-To-Income were applied properly. The committee can uphold the original decision or revise the previous decision. The decision of the committee is final.
Who can request an Internal Review?
Any resident receiving Rent-Geared-To-Income rent in a WECHC unit, rent supplement or housing allowance through WECHC. The WECHC Internal Review Committee does not review matters that fall under The Residential Tenancies Act, 2006.
If you disagree with a decision made about:
- The amount of geared-to-income rent that has been calculated and determined payable by your household;
- Your household is not eligible for rent-to-geared-to-income assistance from WECHC;
- Your transfer being denied;
- Your household is not eligible for special needs housing;
- Your household is not eligible for a specific number of bedrooms or certain unit type.
How do you request a Review?
Once you have received written notice of a decision from WECHC you may request an Internal Review. You can do this by completing a WECHC Review Decision Request form or by writing to the Internal Review Committee at WECHC.
The WECHC Review Decision Request is available on our website or any WECHC office. To write to the Internal Review Committee; the address information will be included in the notice of decision you received from WECHC and included at the bottom of this information sheet.
Your request must be received within 10 business days after you received the decision. The WECHC Internal Review Committee will meet to review your decision within 20 business days and notify you within 10 business days of the committees decision.
You can deliver your Request for Internal Review:
- In person to any WECHC office or by mail
- By registered mail or courier
- By email at
- By submitting the form on our website
- Or any method permitted or directed by WECHC
Internal Review Request FAQ's
Where can I get a WECHC Request for Review of Decision Form?
- In person at any WECHC district office or the WECHC Main office located at 945 McDougall Street, Windsor, Ontario
- Complete the form on our website
- By mail request to WECHC 945 McDougall Street, Windsor, Ontario N9A 1 L9
- By phoning WECHC Customer Service Messaging at 519-254-1681 x 3030
What kind of decisions can I ask to have reviewed by WECHC Internal Review Committee?
You may ask for a review if you disagree with a decision that was made in any one or more of the following categories:
- The amount of geared-to-income rent that has been calculated and determined payable;
- You are not eligible for rent-geared-to-income assistance;
- Your request for transfer has been denied;
- You are not eligible for special needs housing;
- You are not eligible for a specific number of bedrooms or certain type of unit.
Call us at 519- 254-1681 x 3030 or Email us at
Our mailing address is:
Windsor Essex Community Housing Corporation (WECHC)
945 McDougall Street Windsor, ON N9A 1 L9
Attention: Internal Review Committee