Breadcrumb Home / Current tenants / Forms and Support Requests / Compliments, Complaints and Feedback Compliments, Complaints and Feedback We value your thoughts! Whether it's a compliment, complaint, or suggestion, share your feedback with us to help us improve and serve you better. * Indicates required field Name * Email Address * Phone Number * What is your relationship to WECHC? Tenant Employee Partner/Organization Representative Community Member Vendor Other… Enter other… Would you like to remain anonymous? Yes No Type of feedback Compliment Complaint General Feedback Date of interaction/incident * Time (if applicable) Location WECHC Property Phone Email Other… Enter other… If it was at a WECHC property, please state the address Please provide a detailed description: * Desired outcome (for complaints only) Recognition of staff or service (for compliments only) Additional Comments Would you like WECHC to follow up with you regarding this submission? Yes No Best method of contact Phone Email Other… Enter other… Leave this field blank