Page 12 - 2015 CHC Strategic Plan
P. 12
Strategic Priority 5 - Public Accountability

Our Actions

Our Objective

We will balance our risks and We will fairly and openly report our financial results
and operational activities, allowing our achievements
maximize the value of our to be honestly assessed.

outputs, while being We will establish and continually monitor our

accountable through open, Enterprise Risk Management framework.
honest and transparent We will follow appropriate accounting standards and

reporting. regulatory requirements to aid in transparent

Our Outcomes We will strive to provide value in everything we do,
and create innovative solutions to barriers in our
business and industry.

To improve financial sustainability. We will procure goods and services in a competitive,
open manner while continuously evaluating our
To advance as a fiscally stronger organization with robust processes for improvement.
vibrant communities.

We will develop a long range financial strategy to
To affirm our results are measured and presented in a increase capital funds, renewal, and replacement.
transparent and consistent manner.


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