Page 6 - Building a Stronger Foundation | CHC Annual Report 2022
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About WECHC:
CHC is the leading affordable housing Portfolio at a glance:
provider in Windsor Essex. Across the
region, more than 12,000 people are
4,700 units
housed in a CHC property.
As a corporation, we maintain more than
4,700 units that are affordable, deeply
affordable and market rent.
4,220 in Windsor
CHC will soon add an additional 145
units with the opening of Ontario’s
largest Passive House residential 480 in Essex County
building – Meadowbrook Place.
CHC takes a tenant-centric approach to
provide exceptional service and homes 732 buildings
that are safe, high-quality and well- (high rise, low rise, townhouses,
maintained. Our corporation operates rowhouses, detached homes)
under the Ontario Housing Services Act
and is governed by a Board of Directors 3.7 million sq. ft
comprised of housing industry experts
and Council representatives from the in residential space
City of Windsor and the County of Essex.
Mission: Vision:
CHC provides well-maintained, Windsor Essex CHC will be recognized
safe and affordable community as a resourceful housing corporation
housing in a respectful and fair seeking innovative opportunities to
manner. We are leaders in the improve our service delivery. We will
housing sector and contribute to be a leader in creating partnerships,
the development and support of engaging staff and residents to solve
strong inclusive communities in problems and generate ideas to
the City of Windsor and County support our mission and values.
of Essex.
We will make a difference.