Page 6 - Realign | CHC Annual Report 2021
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Windsor Essex CHC continues to administer the centralized waitlist function on behalf of the Service Manager through the Central
Housing Registry (CHR) - Windsor Essex County. The CHR complies with Provincial Legislation and Local Rules.
The Central Housing Registry – Windsor Essex County (CHR-WEC) had a very busy 2021. For the first half of the year, due to
continued COVID -19 restrictions, the CHR – WEC remained closed to the public. During this closure, the department
continued to serve with staff working daily in the office by answering and responding to phone calls, emails, and
correspondence. The office re-opened to the public in July 2021.
CHR introduced an online computerized social housing application for the service area in 2021. A total of 1,054 applicants accessed
the online service allowing users to apply for as many service manager areas or local housing providers as met their needs.
The CHR-WEC partners and collaborates with other Windsor Essex County agencies and housing providers. We support
accessing affordable housing by delivering the centralized waiting list, various benefits and rent supplement programs.
In October 2021, Josephine Heuton, Manager at the CHR for the last 37 years, retired. We wish Jo the very best in her next
journey. Maria Ashman was hired in December 2021 as Manager and brings to CHR twenty years as a senior public sector
professional in provincial and federal public service agencies.
Central Housing Registry Windsor Essex County
(CHR) Impacts and Performance
In 2020, two new housing benefit
programs were introduced locally
● The 2021 waitlist increased by 10% from 5,357 at year-end 2020
and received additional funds in 2021.
to 5,985 households at year-end 2021
Canada Ontario Housing Benefit
(COHB) The Canada-Ontario Housing
Of the 5,985 households
Benefit (COHB) is a joint federal-
provincial housing allowance program
* One-day-in-time snapshot of applicants on the CHR waitlist,
providing an income-tested, portable
on December 31, 2021.
housing benefit (PHB) payment to low-
● SPP/PI* accounted for 58 applicants income households. Unlike other forms
● PII** accounted for 334 applicants of housing benefits, the COHB is
attached to a person or household and
not a specific address or physical
Applicants Housed
housing unit.
● 413 Applicants (Chronological, Priority I, Priority II) from the waitlist were housed In 2021 257 COHB were administered
● 133 Chronological applicants (Seniors, Adults and Families) were housed and households received an average
● 89 Priority I* (PI/SPP) Survivors of Domestic Abuse were housed monthly benefit of $308.00
● 191 Priority II** Homeless Applicants were housed
Windsor Essex Housing Benefit
(WEHB) The WEHB is designed to
Local Rules Definition support vulnerable households and
is an alternative to RGI. This
housing allowance program provides
*PI (Special Priority Status) is provided to survivors of domestic violence and
an alternative to waiting for rent-
human trafficking. Receiving Special Priority Status ranks first on the CHR waitlist.
geared-to-income (RGI) housing.
** PII Applicants applying for Priority II status must otherwise be eligible for Rent CHR saw a full take-up of the WEHB
Geared-To-Income (RGI) or Special Needs Housing in order to qualify for "Priority benefit with new and existing
II" and must be homeless, at risk of homelessness or living in inadequate housing, households and rent supplement
according to the established criteria. expiries.
By year end of 2021 there were 51
recipients in Windsor Essex County,
6 average monthly benefit of $317.00.