Page 4 - Realign | CHC Annual Report 2021
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2021 Message from the Windsor Essex Community Housing Corporation
(CHC) Chair of the Board of Directors, Marina Clemens
I want to thank the CHC team for their efforts during the past This was only possible because our excellent senior staff,
year. They have continued to deliver and serve our residents tradespeople, and contractor worked together to keep the
under challenging circumstances, and with the assistance of building on target.
Windsor Essex County Health Unit and our District Teams, we
held and coordinated vaccination clinics onsite Our Neighborhood Engagement Pilot in the
at our senior buildings and some family Grandview area did a quick re-think and
“It is not someone
communities. Our employees and managers developed a virtual survey for residents, which
else's responsibility
canvassed the buildings, telephoned residents gave us insights into our next steps for 2022.
to tackle our
and spoke to family members to ensure that our
social problems
residents knew the importance of being We are pleased that the city and county worked
and injustices.
vaccinated. It was not an easy task, but it made a with the federal government to obtain funds
It is up to us.
difference, especially within our senior buildings. under the National Housing Strategy to allow
We will have to
CHC to repair and renew older units over the
learn how to
Along with other partners, we offered support next six years.
develop meaningful
and encouragement throughout our portfolio
and were able to deliver summer games and The Board of Directors continued to meet
because if we
food packages to our family neighbourhoods. virtually over 2021 and, along with senior staff,
work together,
Children and youth appreciated being able to updated some old protocols to meet the new
support each other,
participate within their family unit. Our team reality of COVID and beyond. We are also not
and don't quit;
worked diligently with our residents, especially immune to change as we learned our long-term
we can make
our children and youth, to maintain a sense of CEO, Jim Steele, would be retiring in 2022. Our
a difference”
calm and reassurance that we were on the right COO, Kirk Whittal, was leaving us for a position
track for recovery. with the City of Windsor's Housing & Children's
Dick Welier
Service department. I have worked closely with
On behalf of the Board of Directors, I thank our maintenance our CEO and COO for many years, particularly over the past
staff and health and safety department, who kept our buildings eight years as the Chair of the Board. I will miss them both.
clean and safe. However, they have both made such positive impacts and
widened our service delivery so that CHC is well-positioned
Our new build at 3100 Meadowbrook continued to move to expand and meet the needs of an ever-growing housing
forward despite particular global supply chain shortages of sector within Windsor Essex County.
materials. By year-end, it was on track for opening in late 2022.
Marina Clemens, Chair of the Board