Page 8 - Aspire to acheive - Inspire to succeed | CHC Annual Report 2019
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c h c a n n u a l r e p o r t
255 Riverside
Raymond Demarais Manor
The Raymond Desmarais Manor Tower, standing at 20-storeys, is a 300-unit tower built-in 1974. The
building on the Windsor waterfront overlooks the Detroit River and the span of the Ambassador
Bridge. Desmarais Manor is transforming as never seen before in Windsor, Ontario: a multi-faceted
deep energy retrofit (DER) to the Passive House EnerPHit Building Standard. CHC is recognized as a
resourceful housing corporation that seeks innovative opportunities to improve our operational
efficiency and service delivery to residents.
CHC is committed to the Passive House building Raymond Desmarais Manor is currently being
standard. It is considered one of the more upgraded in multiple phases as funding options
rigorous, voluntary, energy and environmental become available. The first phase consisted of
based standards in the design and construction the replacement of all balcony doors and
industry today see this change. CHC's ground floor windows and was completed in
commitment to this measure has the potential 2017. The second phase involved mechanical
to help us to achieve as much as 90 per cent less system upgrades, including new ductwork
of our current energy consumption. throughout the building and lighting upgrades,
completed in 2019. Future planned steps
Energy use in buildings accounts for almost 40% include elevator upgrades, exterior building
of all CO2 emissions in Canada. The building envelope replacement, window replacements
sector and especially the housing sector has and upgrades to roofing insulation.
been identified as providing the most
substantial potential for CO2 reduction. This retrofit project is in its third year while the
Discussions of low-energy architecture focus on building remains occupied by residents. CHC
new building construction and their potential needed to take into account and manage the
for reducing or eliminating energy competing needs of financial and technical
consumption, particularly in the heating and practices and more importantly, the people
cooling of buildings.
who live there. CHC balanced the needs of our
residents through the engagement of
Existing buildings provide the most potential for Community Relations and the inter-department
energy reduction. The Passive House Standard coordination of our Operations, Corporate
includes a standard for existing buildings Services, Financial and Asset Management
referred to as EnerPHit. The EnerPHit standard departments.
considers the limitations often encountered
with existing structures. Therefore it is a proven
and financially viable methodology for deep
8 energy retrofits.