Page 3 - 2015 CHC Annual Report
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the youth and children who participated in
have the conversations that matter. Conver- the research. Some of those attributes include:
sations that are reflective of where we see empowerment, job and market capabilities, social
ourselves as part of the overall social housing skills, sense of control and sense of belonging”.
network of Windsor Essex. This field of conver- We are always working to develop new tech-
sation is essential to accomplish change from niques and strategies, to optimize our processes
both within and outside the corporation. We and create efficiencies. For a difference maker,
must talk the walk at Windsor Essex Community there are always possibilities. “Good enough”
Housing Corporation by asking ourselves, the is never good enough. In 2015, our Corporation
why, the what if and the what next. hired a Regeneration Consultant to review our
Our provincial government through Ontario’s current practices and propose to our corporation
Poverty Reduction Strategy, has set a bold long- some new and innovative business models. In
term goal to end homelessness, in Windsor and 2015, with the assistance of Munro Strategic
Essex County. CHC believes it has to be more Perspective, the Board and Senior Staff began
than providing suitable and adequate housing. the process of a corporate wide policy review
It has to include support and a vision of creating which will be carried over into 2016 with front
strong inclusive communities that provide line staff and resident engagement.
stable, secure, accessible homes that people The what next of affordable housing includes
will want to call Home. opportunities for us all to focus on sustainable
Because of the dedication of our Board, Staff communities and the regeneration of buildings,
and community partners who continue to neighbourhoods, communities and the people
demand the highest standard of service, we who live, work and play in these neighbourhoods.
are persuing new opportunities to be more, The Board and staff of Windsor Essex CHC
not less, customer focused. We will be utilizing continues to look to ways to support the long
new methods of engagement and technology to term viability of our physical portfolio, while
achieve these goals. planning investments to ensure quality, safe and
Last year we reported we had contracted with affordable housing in Windsor and Essex County.
Community Partner for Applied Research Both the board and staff will continue to advance
and Consultation (CPARC), an affiliate of the our Strategic Plan, as we launch into a new fron-
School of Social Work, through the University of tier of affordable housing. And we will continue
Windsor to undertake a research project exam- to have conversations that are reflective of who
ining our CHC Summer Recreation Program’s and what we want to be five and ten years out.
social return on investment. Dr. Rajeeva Sinha, I would be remiss if I did not offer sincere thanks
Associate Professor of Finance, Odette School to the dedicated members of our board and to
of Business, University of Windsor, was the our staff who put themselves on the front line of
research lead. Dr. Sinha’s research has shown housing every day.
“the return on investment generates up to fifty-
eight positive attributes amongst